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Posted by : Hendri Kusdianto, S.Si Sunday, December 9, 2018


(4th IMSO 2007)

"Smart, Skilled, and Creative In a Joyful Competition for Excellence”

1. Rationale

It has been generally acknowledged that education determines
the quality of human resources. Elementary schools, as a part of basic education,
provide children with skills of reading, writing, arithmetic, and basic science.
A program which could stimulate creativity, develop critical and analytical
thinking is important to be provided to children at the primary school level
as they are in the “golden period of education”.
To implement this program, Ministry of National Education of the Republic of
Indonesia is organizing the 4thInternational Mathematics and Science Olympiad
(IMSO) at primary school level. Participation in 4th IMSO 2007 is by invitation.

2. Theme

“Smart, Skilled, and Creative
in a Joyful Competition for Excellence”

3. Objectives

The general objectives of the Olympiad are to improve the competencies
of the elementary school students in Mathematics and Science and foster friendly
relationships between primary school students.
The specific objectives of this Olympiad are:
a. To develop elementary school students’ talent and interest in Mathematics
and Science.
b. To motivate the elementary school students in developing their intellectual
capacity and skills in Mathematics and Science.

4. Guidelines and Regulations

a. Schedule

1) The 4th IMSO 2007 will be held in Jakarta Indonesia on
11-17 November 2007.
2) Contestants and officials must arrive in Jakarta on 11 November 2007.
3) Tutors/trainers will discuss and select the problems on the 12 November 2007.
4) Tests will be held on 13 and 14 November 2007.

b. Types of problems and test regulations

1) IMSO 2007 is an individual competition. The problems consist
of 2 parts for each subject:
a) Theoretical and exploration problems for Mathematics;
b) Theoretical and experimental problems for Science.

2) The problems are constructed based on Mathematics and Science
elementary school curriculums, reference books, and other relevant sources,
which cover intellectual, reasoning, and creativity.

3) Participating countries are welcome to send 2 sets of proposed
problems for each subject to the organizing committee. Five (5) problems for
theoretical questions and five (5) problems for exploratory and/or experimental
questions. Proposed problems must be e-mailed before 31 August 2007.

4) Instructions and problems will be in English. Theoretical questions must
also be answered in English; however the contestants are allowed to use an English
dictionary. Contestants are not allowed to bring books, scientific dictionary,
calculators, and other electronic devices except English dictionary to the competition

c. Contestants and Officials

1) Contestants
a) The contestants of the Olympiad are grade V, VI or level F students, less
than 12 years old by 11 November 2007. A statement letter from their respective
school principal should be provided and the contestants should be appointed
through a selection process in their respective country.
b) Each country is entitled to send 6 students, 3 students for each subject.
c) Each country is permitted to have more than 6 contestants in their delegation;
however, the organizing committee will not bear their accommodations and meals
expenses during the Olympiad.

2) Officials
The officials from each country consist of one (1) team leader and two (2) tutors/trainers.

a) Requirements for Team Leader
The team leader should have the ability to communicate in English.
b) Requirements for Tutors/Trainers
The tutors/trainers should master the substance of primary school Mathematics
and Science and have the ability to communicate in English.

d. Letter of participation and registration forms
Countries who are interested in joining this competition should confirm their
participation by sending a letter of participation to the chairperson of IMSO
2007 before 31 July 2007. Registration form containing the names of contestants,
tutors/trainers, and team leader, as well as travel details must be submitted
to the organizing committee not later than the end of October 2007 to address

Mr. Mudjito (Chairperson)
4th International Mathematics and Science Olympiad
for Primary School (IMSO) 2007
Directorate of Kindergarten and Primary Development
Building E, 17th Floor, Ministry of National Education Complex
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Senayan – Jakarta 10270
Phone (ë21) 5725632, 57900390
Fax. (ë21) 5725632, 5725635
Email: gusmayadi@yahoo.com;

e. Juries
The juries are appointed by the organizing committee from local universities,
Center for Educational Evaluation, and the Directorate General of Primary and
Secondary Education Management, Ministry of National Education of Indonesia.

f. Evaluation
1) The contestants should answer all the questions.
2) The juries score the answers and the results are submitted to the tutors/trainers
of each country.
3) Tutors/trainers are allowed to respond to the juries’ scoring results
through moderation.
4) The juries will announce the winners based on the scoring results. The winners
are decided by the percentages of correct answers.

g. Medals and Trophies
1) Approximately two-thirds of the contestants will be awarded gold, silver,
bronze medals. Each participant will receive a certificate of participation.

2) Trophies will be awarded to contestants with the highest score for each part
of the problem and the overall score of both parts of the problem.

h. Expenses
1) Each participating country is responsible for their traveling expenses to
and from Jakarta, Indonesia.
2) The organizers of the IMSO 2007 will provide free hotel accommodation including
meals and local transportation within the duration of the contest schedule for
1 team leader, 2 tutors/trainers, and 6 student contestants.
3) Other expenses, such as local transports from the participants’ home
to the airport, procurement of passport and visa, as well as airport tax will
be borne by the participants.
4) Each additional contestant, official, and accompanying person will be charged
US$ 650 for the expenses in point (2) above.

5. Medical Care
In case of minor emergency, the organizing committee will provide medical care
to the delegations including additional participants, and cover the expenses.
Nevertheless, team leaders should ascertain that all members of their delegation
are fully insured before coming to Indonesia lest major emergencies occurred
during the Olympiad.

6. Entry Visa to Indonesia
IMSO 2007 participants must have a roundtrip airline ticket. Team leader of
participating country must check their delegation visa requirements before entering
and leaving Indonesia. For detailed and updated information, please contact
the local Indonesian Embassy or consulates.


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